Staggeringgrowth expected in Wind Energy Markets
GSAEwith negotiations with GE Energy, Electrawinds and Gamesa positioning
themselvesto take advantage of the growth....
Thestaggering growth of the global wind energy markets are being drivenby a number of factors, including the wider context of energy supplyand demand, the rising profile of environmental issues, especiallyclimate change, and the impressive improvements of the technologyitself.
Thescience is clear: if we are to avoid the worst ravages of climatechange, global emissions need to start declining before 2020.
Thepower sector is not the only culprit when it comes to climate change,but it is the largest source of emissions, accounting for about 40%of CO2and 25% of overall emissions.
Wind energy is the only powergeneration technology that will be able to make a substantialdifference in CO2emissionsinthe crucial timeframe up to 2020. It is quick to install, and ontrack to saving 10 billion tons of CO2by 2020.
Securityof Supply
Globaldemand for energyisincreasing at a breathtaking pace, which will require significantinvestment in new power generation capacity and grid infrastructure.Just as energy demand continues to soar, supplies of fossil fuels aredwindling and prices are at their most volatile.
Wind energy,however, is a massive indigenous power source with is availablevirtually everywhere in the world. There are no fuel costs, nogeo-political risk and no supply import dependency.
Windenergy makes soundeconomic sense.In contrast to other generation sources, the price for the fuelneeded over the total lifetime of a wind turbine is well known: it iszero. This takes away a substantial part of the investor’srisk.
Atmany sites, wind power is already competitive with new-builtconventional technologies and in some cases much cheaper. When takinginto account the price of carbon, wind power is even moreattractive.
Job creation and regional economic development arealso key factors in economic considerations around wind power.
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