Post by
peep2 on Mar 09, 2017 3:17pm
It's over when the BRICs stop using the Dollar, Euro
Zen and middle east petrodollar. Then gold relative to those
pariah, dying, overly printed and overly indebted currencies,
go sky high. And you realize that all the west's parties didn't
prepare you for what was coming but set a trap for us all, that
we can't vote anymore out of it, since the outcme will be a fait
d'occomplice - a done deal.
Those in the west with gold will greatly benefit but surrounded
by a financial zombied people and apocalypse, fallen society,
around themselves. Making the victory of being right a private
victory not to brag about and show off that have a lot of money.
Otherwise you will be set upon. You will then wonder at the
victory since the society all around you and the new world order,
will hardly be victorious for you and the west.
The two republican parties and their two slightly different
communism type goals, secular and religious, and the democrats
a captured party to them now, will have us trapped and submitting
to the new world order. Which was simply but painfully to lower
the west's standard of living and raise the emerging nations
standard of living, till they met in the middle from where each
side started from.
The kennedys keynesianism type was hardly that, who wanted
to trade just between the west, and do infrastructure programs
and development for the emerging nations. Till they caught up to
the west's standard of living and could trade with the west. But
that would be too sane and put power in the west's peoples and
world peoples' hands, and we don't want that to happen, do we?
Much too communistic, atheistic, going against jesus's religious
communism endtimes will and designs. And sex maniacs on
top of that.
The other parties don't have sex manias. They just have true
blue jesus-ites putting chastity, morality, family values and US first.
Then robber baron capitalists, bully and take advantage of the rest
of the world, as it is their right to do as superior moral, political and
religious people.
Or the sex maniac kennedys were right???? Even about having
sex. Because are they alive now? Who knows!
Comment by
R_J_ on Mar 09, 2017 3:41pm
How did Jackie Kennedy feel about JFK's numerous affairs? by John Flavin - Our poor little princess. . . . LOL . . . LOL . . . LOL. - - - RJ
Comment by
R_J_ on Mar 09, 2017 3:59pm
Oops! - Here is the better expanded version. It contains 16 first level comments - they are all very informative, - Note: each of the comments ends with 'comments' select it to view comments on the comments. - - RJ