Post by
inviolablspirit on Jul 19, 2022 3:03pm
Not much happening
Odd trading going on with this stock. Great financials and very little volume. One of the only profitable cannabis stocks in the market. The stock seems to be getting capped in that 4.5 to 5 cent range. Hard to think that stocks like Aurora will continue to exist, as stocks like Heritage only gets stronger and stronger with each quarter. At some point, I think Heritage can become a dominant company in the cannabis sector. They have no need to acquire other companies, as they already have the pieces in place, but other companies will have a need to acquire them in order to survive, but they won't be able to afford Heritage, unless it gets acquire around the current price. But there's no way the current management would sell the company at this point in its growth and at this incredibly low price. I can also see companies wanting to merge or become a major partner with Heritage. I think I recall Clint saying in the past, this is a marathon not a sprint. Clint did what he said he was going to do and he has built a great company. He brought in the right people to lead, grow and expand the company.
Comment by
bober2 on Jul 22, 2022 5:42pm
Inviolabispirit, you're talking about $10 million by the end of their finacial year which will be when. So net income will be $15.6 million. You address share buy, cutting their operating expenses and getting their balance sheet in order but you never once talk about the number of shares outstanding. Is that something to worry about in the future.