Post by
1marketmaker on Sep 08, 2011 8:24pm
Minorities...the end is near
We are about to spool up into a legal case, or we're going to see action.
That...I guarantee you. Things are now beyond the talking stage - and this is our the to strike. Nord Gold may or may not want an IPO, but we cannot risk the fact that they may engage that route. Therefore, we need to act before and or as that steep happens.
I wish to ask for all shareholders to be patient as I discuss with a few on this board which route we take - and is best to engage.
When the legal jockeying starts, you will have the opportunity to join it.
This is it. Enough.
We have substantial evidence.
Comment by
missouriminer on Sep 08, 2011 10:25pm
In the immortal words of Todd Beamer (Hero of Flight 93 9/11) "LET'S ROLL"