Post by
Ogopogo007 on Jul 05, 2013 2:46pm
Owning shares but mad at mngmnt
No so Black and White, that only happy shareholders post and vice versa.
I own shares in FMS and when they doubled, sold 1/2. GE is robbing shareholders blind and i post that. I don't agree that if I don't like something about a stock ( mngmnt, operations) just sell and move on. As a shareholder I can have an opinion about how the Co is run and if there are other mngmnt choices, can vote for them at AGM.
At least here, MM promised HRT would drill offshore Nam and he's delivering. Of course we need success thru the drill bit and IMHO, Wingat delivered that in spades, now we're looking for barrels with just second probe. The sweet part...share are getting cheaper
Comment by
buggati on Jul 05, 2013 6:34pm
supertard ogocretin posts "the sweet part.. hrt shares are getting cheaper..the cretintard fails to understand that if there was any good news at murombe shares would be going higher
Comment by
Ogopogo007 on Jul 06, 2013 8:52am
as I have most of the retards on IGNORE, don't read their posts, doesn't worry me not reading about how HRT SP was $$$ and now is $.
I make my own investment decisions, recent HRT mngmnt decision have been a wild card, for sure but the drill is turning offshore Nam and that's what will move SP. Either way.