Post by
robnhood on Sep 03, 2013 8:19am
More Gus
"It's a big joke that became the HRT. Took a year to say what everyone already knew:
1) It requires a lot of capital;
2) It is feasible;
3) long-term project.
What about the position of Petrobras? Apparently waned. What about the position of Rosneft? What type of partnership are you up to? If there is, possibly the entire market already knows, except the minority shareholders.
In short, HRT is a garbage company and the error is exactly the case in the absence of corporate governance. Waiting for the chop to reposition the remains.
Comment by
buggati on Sep 03, 2013 1:01pm
the monetization will never happen..rosneft is in default on payments and will walk away..the stranded gas is worthless...the only value HRT has now is polvo but these idiots will find a way to screw that up...this pos is going to ZERO