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HUYA Inc is a China-based holding company principally engaged in the operation of game live streaming platforms. The Company cooperates with e-sports event organizers, game developers and publishers to develop e-sports live streaming. Its game contents include gameplay, e-sports tournament events and other e-sports game shows. The Company also offers non-game entertainment content, such as talent shows, anime and outdoor activities. The Company’s platforms include its Huya Live mobile application (app), website, and personal computer (PC) clients. It also develops and operates certain mobile games jointly with third-party distribution platforms, and game-related apps. The Company has also created an interactive online community in which a range of functions are provided for the users, including bullet chatting, real-time commenting and gifting. The Company conducts its businesses in domestic market.

NYSE:HUYA - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
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Post by STYLEWARZon Jun 06, 2018 6:56am
Post# 28130465

Like I said. Spectacular earnings $$$$$$$

Like I said. Spectacular earnings $$$$$$$

I guess I'm the only one making money on this bad boy! 85% in 2 weeks!!!!!!
Bullboard Posts