Post by
ISAloser247 on Oct 17, 2012 5:34pm
.....almost a year ago, Dr. Foster, in a letter to shareholders, was boasting of how the future for stakeholders was very bright: a fully funded phase 3 trial,plus other value-adding announcements to come. NOW, begging for cash, with shareholders on the verge of being completely wiped out--. the share price has fallen 88 %. There was an opportunity , accepting the ILJIN control offer in January 2012, that would have lessened the financial and emotional impact for everyone. From pseudo- euphoric highs to realistic lows, from spouting "Edmonton is a hockey town, and we're going for the Stanley Cup", to completely illogical, long-term impactful decisions,----- an obvious intervention,a longer hospital stay and a replacement with an industry professional was needed years ago.