Post by
Danorrn on Jan 09, 2015 12:09am
Here you go nomo or is this old news
Found this on a gaming site dated January 5th..."Imperus announced a debt financing agreement with Third Eye Capital for $45 million (US$40 million) and an equity raise through Dundee Capital for an additional $20 million to purchase Diwip Ltd. – an independent supplier of proprietary software with 24 million registered customers." If financing is done then should be a matter of crossing t's and dotting i's?
Comment by
Bangkokboy on Jan 09, 2015 12:25am
It looks to me like a summary of the original announcement that the site just recently posted. Lets hope the 2 sides are sipping champaign as I don't really want this to go the weekend without an announcement. I'd be lying if I said I'm not a little nervous.
Comment by
nomomoney24 on Jan 09, 2015 8:06am
Danorrn - The deal for the $45MIL only goes thorough if Imperus raises the 20MIL the deal stipulates Imperus has to have 10MIL in working capital the other 10Mil goes to all the cost a fees of this deal. Deal should get done it's in Dundees best intrest to close the deal they receive a lot of warrents.