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Sogosohubidu201 on Feb 21, 2019 5:20pm
Obtain Approval for Ion Exchange by March 11, 2019
Per page 32 of the Q4 2018 financial report, Katanga expected to obtain all requisite approvals to install the Ion Exchnage System by March 11, 2019. The Ion Exchange Plant is expected to be commissioned by October 1, 2019.
Also, very important, estimation of up to $500 million cash flow deficit in 2019 was based on the copper price of $5,850 USD per tonne. The current copper price is $6,388 USD per tonne. $1,000 USD per tonne of copper price difference would be $285 million USD. With the copper price is moving higher to possible $7,000 USD per tonne in the 2nd half of this year, the cash deficit in 2019 will be significantly less than $500 million USD, possible around $300 million USD range.