Post by
SamDiego on Nov 04, 2024 2:42pm
According to TDMAN29 factual reporting it`s a new game
And who is left to dispute TDMANs claim that everyone has gone, and Andrew Skafel is now a "one man show"?
Well , considering, or even assuming that TDMAN29 is human, that should make it much easier for the corporate world to speculate on, and make comparison to TDMANs self proclaimed knowledge, accomplishments, and abilities to that of Andrews` with Edgewater.
Why not begin with the resigning of Harper in Dec. 2020, the man who appears to be by TDMANs` inferences his close associate.
First of all, I don`t know if our attempts to make any comparisons will be considered fair. Why? Because according to TDMAN29, his personal and corporate income literally dwarfs that of Andrew and YFIs`. In addition, unlike TDMAN, Andrew has no employees to assist him in his daily corporate endeavors, whereby TDMAN29 has alluded to having numerous employees,.
Hence, maybe the best way for us to go about this is to ask TDMAN29 himself to update us on his accomplishments since the beginning of 2021. Then we can compare them with our assessment of Andrews "one man endeavors" with YFI.
I know for certain that there is one thing Andrew would never attempt to beat TDMAN at, and that is the time it takes to eat a baked potato with the tin foil still on it. Tough to imagine how much corn liquor that would take.