Gold is/will not go UP in a straight line...yesterday's action was some proof of this..unfortunately day traders are with us , and so we get these daily fluctuations, but nothing major...the trend is your friend, and the trend for PDG is and has been UP along with Gold...So far not too much activity on the takeover front for Gold stocks, but that is about to change...Senior Miners will have to very soon replenish their dwindled Gold reserves,and in view of what is on going in SA, mining/political unrest and elese where in the world,thse Majors will look very closely to good old safe Canada for repleneshing their Gold Reserves...BTW..Platinum cis now trading above $1600, and continues to rise as again political problems in SA..
My view on Gold takeovers by Majors is generally conditially positive, providing that shareholders are properly and fully compensated, IF NOT then I say leave the Gold in the ground until a better offer comes, or another good option would be, we could/should develop this mine ourselves, especially as it begins with an open pit...
With nearly 6 Million Gold ounces in the ground, and counting UP, PDG is a sure winner, and should be trading much higher as compared to others...