Post by
tarsands on May 15, 2015 9:59pm
On April 27th/ Fabrice Taylor
$100 million of unlocked potential in the real estate division.
Again this came out on the 27th, when was the Q4"s supposed to be out the 28th usually.!!!!!
Well I think I even got wind or word that he is not too worried about the late financials himself.
$100 million of potential is equal too approx. 80 cents per share?
Be nice if they could unlock that and put that 80 on top of the shareprice today of 40 cents.
$1.20 WOULD BE NICE!!!!!!!!
Comment by
gettin2 on May 16, 2015 10:53am
FT does not get paid to promote
Comment by
Gerritos on May 16, 2015 12:56pm
Either read the fine print or read between the lines. FT does not pump companies for his health. Wake up!
Comment by
gettin2 on May 16, 2015 4:21pm
Read the fine print he does not receive payment to promote What do you think his (we) subscribers will do when it is time to renew if we did not make money Wake up ? You dont see me wasting my time on boards where I have no position perhaps you need to wake up and focus your energy
Comment by
gettin2 on May 16, 2015 10:49pm
Ummm I got in on 3 pp same time as him Gerritos today I scanned for trades , read an hour , went to gym ,made sure to try to compliment everyone I interacted with in a genuine manner , tried to improve myself I guess you could say I invested my time . I hope you do well in any positive endeavours you take part in
Comment by
gettin2 on May 17, 2015 12:27am
Well I short 70% of the time and used to try the "drop seeds of doubt" on the boards For clarity in the future if I see LOY as a short I will not hesitate to take it . Currently though it is a buy Skipped the part where subscibers are also in on the PPs . I think your posts show a clearer picture of who you are than you think
Comment by
stack on May 17, 2015 9:54pm
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Comment by
wateroperator on May 18, 2015 6:00pm
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Comment by
runner115 on May 16, 2015 6:30am
Hi I dont see the logics behind the real estate.If the real estate is worth 20 million and is spun of then loy is worth 20 million less. I went through this with counsel corp and when they spunn of a company they oned all we got were useless shares and that stock was hyped the same way. They dont even own any realestate