Post by
Papagallo on Jun 11, 2015 5:23pm
Liar, liar
There is zero chance of a recovery here...Ryu and his accomplice, Chornoboy, lied, lied, lied, then gutted and bled the company dry. They lied for an equity raise. They lied about the health of the company. They lied about the delays on YE financials. They lied to FT, and royally f#cked over his subscribers about the "once in a generation" real estate spin out. And the lying and denial continues. Ryu appoints himself as director like he is Kim Jung IL. Ryu is a narcissistic little puke who will get his comeuppance for ripping off honest shareholders.
Comment by
bulltraderr on Jun 11, 2015 5:42pm
So why is he still here, where is RCMP. Where are banks, why are they still in business??????????Why are they still trading??ANSWER PLEASE. thank you.
Comment by
schoolboy on Jun 11, 2015 9:27pm
Good point. Andrew Ryu acts like Caligula ll. His staff have openly accused him of: forcing them to binge drink with him all night taking unnecessary 1st-class biweekly trips to Korea sexual harassment sexual assault defaulting on debts Then, there are the financial shenanigans. Didn't anyone notice? I don't have any respect for Loy management -period.
Comment by
60606060 on Jun 11, 2015 9:40pm
The Directors gave approval for these huge expences and I guess Ryu made sure their special needs were met. Look at the 300% pay increases to Head office people.