Post by
ridethewinners on Sep 02, 2023 11:46am
re cyclical moves
The actual reasons for investors to buy or sell are never known for sure. More sellers than buyers is obvious, but we never know the reason for the imbalance, we are all just guessing.
A lack of cash is usually a red flag for juniors, and given the resources of the competition and the cost of the business they are in, FL has allowed itself to be cash strapped.
The PFS was 8 months late, does that give you confidence that FL can stay on target for the actual hard work?
The road was imminent 5 years ago. It makes sense that it should happen now, but governments are not always sensible, and the political pressure that the Walker family have is less than what is needed.
A CFO shuffle was not handled well, it appears to have been a personnel issue rather than a corporate one, but we do not know with certaintly.
The lithium price decline has confounded analysts and investors, and that makes raising capital expensive, when the company is vulnerable.
Several mergers/partnerships have been announced over the last year, why was FL not on anyone's dance card?
The latest quarterly did not include actual financials, and FL sends investors to sedar. Why make it harder to learn about the company? Their disdain for the retail shareholders is hurting them, and they make no effort to imnprove something that costs nothing.
None of the houses who pen research on FL have bought it in size. That is concerning to me because the undewrwriters who got burned last time are not likely eager to do another deal, the underwriters who got burned the time before that (BMO) are not likely to come back, and this company needs cash to drill, let alone actually progress on the mine. It seems anytime a size bid appears, a wall of stock is offered. That is likely institutions unloading when they can.
If you are in government, you have to be concerned that FL does not have the cash to devop the resource, and any money Ontario spends there may not result in a mine in a timely fashion.
The board failed shareholders by allowing the cash reserves to decline. Management has not addressed the terrible shareholder relationship, the commodity price is in freefall and this will result in more dilution and delays. The price decline is well deserved.
A road announcement should start the turn around, but members of this board kept saying "wait for the PFS". How did that work out? Those who average down here deserve a huge return if they are right, because buying this here has significant risk. Until I see a management attitude change, I will just hold what I have left. Best of luck
Comment by
Allthewaydown on Sep 02, 2023 6:57pm
Good analysis, thoughtful and balanced. You have certainly pointed out the major issues on my own "risk register". I am certainly not trying to over-sell the upside even though I personally believe it to be there and have put my own money where my mouth is.