Remember me
Not surprised to see over 1600 signatures now. New shareholders should start their own lawsuit now realizing what is being done. Remember though, you will need to stand in line. We should revisit this petition that was started immediately following Thomvest's thief of Prometic. Just because the Thomson's are a powerful entity in Canada does not give them the right to screw retail investors and deny life saving treatments. There greed has no limits; these predators need to be exposed. Please feel free to sign the document to protect all retail investors that trade in our markets. If this can happen here it can happen anywhere. Let's stand up to these scums and let them know they are not above the rules by these types of unethical acts!
StockReddy wrote: https://www.change.org/p/thomvest-salp-prometic-life-sciences-help-stop-the-theft-of-shareholders-rights
A daily snapshot of everything from market open to close.