Post by
DryBones on Feb 13, 2020 6:19pm
Its called being played for a fool.
It's not just about Ryplaizim approval or other missed or failed approvals over a 25 year stretch of misinformation. It about having been played for fools. Thomvest is in the same boat as you and I.
Suckered. They at least have a chance of recouping their investment by taking about 85% ownership, getting intellectual property rights and putting a director or two on the board.
It's about the same process being followed day in and day out for decades. Its about enlisting pumpers here on STockmouse to do the bidding and who are pathological, deviant, unrepentant liars. What in heck do these pumpers get for trying to mislead people? A few cents a post at best.
Geez wouldnt these pumpers be better off going back to dumpster diving? Certainly their moral conscience would be clearer. Why not give it a try, you might feel better.