Post by
edrose on Nov 12, 2021 4:16pm
consonnace invested 75 million during takeover and sold
at a huge loss
armitage also sold all their shares at a loss
they where shown all the great potential show all great study results re ryplasim,ivig at stage 4 with no bad side effects patients feeling much better on ryplasim and no competition in the world for ryplasim
ivig is not a new molecule prometic just had to show it was equivalent to existing products only difference prometic 's patented tech production was much more effecient
they took a writedown of 150 re ivig valued it at zero which doesn't make sense so they could then close down atm they had just approved for 50 million
they had just renegotiated loan few months before takeover all planned so they could convert loan and all interest for 5 years convert it into shares so they could wipe out retail investors
they said to tsx officials and application for hardship they exhausted all options and couldn't raise money lawyers are obtaining copy of application
they could raise money but they didn't since they would not have met criteria for hardship at tsx and could not take over company
immediately after wiping out retail investors they do rights offering and raise 38 million dollars imagiv=ne how much money they would have raise monthss before probably 80-100 million but this would have prevented takeover
this will all come out before going to court since these people will be questioned under oath during discovery in 2022