Post by
bobby1231 on Feb 27, 2013 9:17am
RE:Still no news - Tomorrow
Calgary hockey game went in to over time last night lol
Comment by
stockmyster on Feb 27, 2013 9:33am
Not the hockey references again but now that I think of it a lot of progress was made during the lock out. Why would he state a news release was coming tomorrow if he didn't have it written and received approval. That's what blows me way. It does nothing for his credibility.
Comment by
radcat on Feb 27, 2013 9:38am
The only news we need permission to release that I am aware of is the drill results. I can wait for that. What I can't understand is why all of the other stuff isn't released. What is with Mart that we have to have an all or nothing news release.
Comment by
stockpeeker on Feb 27, 2013 9:49am
Informing common shareholders is NOT Mart's highest priority. However, you may place a safe bet that the big investors most important to Wade know quite well what is and what is not happening. Such is life, regardless of SEC regulations.