Post by
dbeaude on Dec 20, 2013 11:59am
6500 BBLs per day for U11 is just tightening up the spring!!
As they drill and further delineate the field as well as increase production potential all they are doing is coiling up the spring. Once it is clear and reliable that the pipeline will be completed on a certain date, the losses will amount to a high of beans whether they are 10% or 20%. All this is are extra Royalties to the thieves (both organized and unorganized). So if it is clear that they will be able to triple production, the share price will sky rocket. So....keep drilling more production wells guys and tighten up the spring for the time when an announcement is released in early 2014 that the pipeline will be commissioned and the share price will be well over $2 regardless of the pipeline losses.
Comment by
gibbonsj on Dec 20, 2013 12:46pm
tightening up the spring! very well said. Nothing bounces better than a good stock under pressure. MMT's assets are solid, sooner or later they'll fire up all the cylinders and this stock will do very well. But you have to buy on the dips!
Comment by
snowbird501 on Dec 20, 2013 12:58pm
Agreed Gibbonsj. Also the price of Brent is holding up really well.