Comment by
Highwired7 on Feb 12, 2016 11:24am
All they care about is erasing yesterday's losses, they started yesterday at 3pm with a fabricated rumer about Saudi's cutting oil production. At this point yesterday's 400 point loss is miraculously erased. What bothers me more than HFT or the blatant fraud is the money being used IS NOT THEIR'S TO USE!
Comment by
Highwired7 on Feb 12, 2016 11:52am
It takes 3 Billion dollars to prop up just the Dow 100 points and secretly being tacked onto our nations debt. Look at the 100's of Billions wasted on the 1000's of stick save's over the last 8 years. Look at the good that money could have done across our nation instead of wasting it for numbers on a board, absolutely disturbing!