MTO is in high gear to develop the Barry and Bachelor Mines with multiple exploration crews operating on surface and underground. The mill will be expanded 3 fold. A company that can borrow and pay back in 6 months should be a clue into near term profit growth. Anyway it's like a good family helping each other.
BTO is holding enormous information that will come our way. Do not let the negativity by trolls and shysters make you weak and sell off shares like I once did. No one can predict share price near term. Hold long and strong. You won't recognise BTR by year end. I follow the team's good information. Information that is public knowledge often never gets seen by small retail investors. A team approach has many eyes and ideas. It helps me strengthen my knowledge of what I own. We are all in this for profit. Like seer2020 wrote you are now up against computer trades. Impossible to win trading in and out. They have us beat. Long term true investors with sound logical thinking and team approach can help make you a winner. Thanks team d team e I luv heysmartie eh and all the truthful positive posters that rarely come on our blog site. Take advantage of screening out the war and battle posts from information posts. It can be confusing for newbees on this board. The negative clutter I don't bother to read. You will soon learn it's not our warriors luv and stupid eh....likely call centers working to take your shares. Watch the attacks start after I post this....