Post by
farml1234 on Apr 25, 2013 9:09pm
no R/S for now
MGM Energy also announced that its shareholders approved a special resolution providing authority to effect a consolidation of the Company's shares on a 20:1 basis. The Board of Directors has determined that it will not proceed with the share consolidation at this time, although it retains the authority to do so up until the next Annual General Meeting.
Comment by
kh231 on Apr 29, 2013 12:09pm
Yup, that's what I've been doing. Buying up MGX like crazy - at these fire-sale prices!
Comment by
itsalie on May 02, 2013 12:50pm
you don't buy .20 cent stocks like crazy! you spend money you are equally comfortable losing at the casino. The market it telling you something yet you are letting perceived fundamentals get in the way. As for the r/s it will happen.. they are just trying to ease into.. like boiling a frog..