Post by
Wangotango67 on Jul 16, 2023 1:53pm
I think i've lost faith in the markets.
If it's not others taking my extraction ideas, it's
juniors taking important intel that i've researched and not rewarding.
Like a junior i recently contacted.
They clearly only sought gold, silver, copper.
MRE, MET tests, press releases and Tech report all
affirm what they were modelling the deposit for.
I come along - make a phone call,
ask the Prez several times if he's sure he didn't overlook anything ( mineral )
And he replied several times saying in a proud voice, we missed nothing.
I replied - good - that's exactly what i wanted to hear.
I know for certain you missed something.
He kept asking questions which i answered but i eventually
had to stop and told him i won't say anymore till you agree to my
Prez replied, i would need proof.
I said, i have proof, 3rd party with assays.
The conversation quickly turned to - loggerheads.
I couldn't reveal what i found.
He would not commit without proof.
I then said, it's clear this is a situtation of faith and trust on both sides.
He agreed.
I then said, i'll send you the proof and i will have to trust you
that you will follow through with my reward.
1 million shares.
I provided a brief overview of what i found and told him i
would send him the 3rd party data - backing ( proof )
On July 11 2023 - i sent him the pdf report containing over 4300 pages
directed him to the specific pages that initiated the assay values.
I sent the info in two formats.
PM messge
Email message
I also offered more directives pertaining to extraction of this mineral.
With in the PM he joked and said the new mineral find wouldn't
sound as appealing as his current name.
I replied in a teasing fashion, it would if you changed the name to ******
I told him, see.... there it is.
The overlooked mineral exceeds your flagship mineral by multiples.
Your Geo's clearly overlooked this ( mineral )
He contacted his Geo, and the Geo's comment was,
it's not economical.
I said... it is economical.
Please place your attention on the gold values
notice anything ?
They're all in ( ppm's )
Not grams.
Which means the gold values in this report were never converted to grams.
Which means the mineral i found which everyone overlooked, which you
yourself stated we missed nothing or that you admit never assayed for,
- clearly points to... you and your team - did miss it.
He also sent in PM,
that mineral would be hard to,extract.
I replied.... you're currently chasing 1 - 2 gram gold versus a good 6 gram
overlooked mineral a mineral that is 6x more abundant with near same
eq value as gold - lol
I sent the Prez more intel pertaining to extraction.
PM format.
July 12 2023 rolls round and i ask Prez why is it you won't comment
on my mineral find saying you like what i found ?
Nothing - Zip.?
Later that day on the 12th
I noticed the junior did a 43 101 Tech report revision.
I opened it.
I quickly noticed the 129 added pages.
I noticed the report had side comments by Eng consultants.
They asked where did this info come from ? ( parent mineral group )
Or, i'm not signing my name to this.
Another consultant said, never seen this before. ( parent group mineral ).
Another said, just stick to the former report ( original tech )
not the revised tech report with 129 newly added pages.
This revised tech report with comments by consultants
was not suppose to be seen by - investors/public.
I captured those consultant comments and addressed the
Prez in Pm asking what are you doing avoiding my research finding
not accreriting me rather.... you or another accessed the original
43 1010Tech report and loaded new info what i pointed out which
you and your team and all other former owners missed.
No reply from Prez.
Other investors captured ( completely different ) excerpts
that pertained to Geo Modelling of deposit....
Which in my opinion, karma.
Karma - revealed consultants never seeing new info.
Which meant, current MRE was only based on, former Tech report
with fewer pages inwhich they did review but that report did not
have the new intel i told the Prez.
Karma at same time revealed another issue, GEO modelling.
Sadly most all are focused on, GEO modelling versus the real
reason why the tech report was compounded upon with another
129 pages that point to.... consultant comments mentioned above
that perhaps addresses the true reason why the Tech report was
changed after, after, after... my phone call that occurred one day prior.
revealing the new found mineral.
So here i am.... forced to watch on.
Reading bullboard posts of investors focusing on ( geo model )
when the real ( reason ) points to adding content that speaks
about a parent mineral family which the mineral in question i found
is under the parent group..
I've reached out a few times to a ( stock promoter ) whose on that
bullboard... asking him to rethink it through, asking himself
to question why the Tech report was alrered.
He's too dense to figure it out even with all the clues i gave him,
even telling him i conversed with the junior one day prior.
I've lost all FAITH in the system.
Most all are scoundrels.
Too proud to admit they missed significant mineral findings.
Rather take the new found knowledge and say they found it.
Who does one eeachout to ?
The market allowed the Tech report revision to be ammended
and refiled on Sedar.
If an audit were to occur,
chances are.... they'd use the ammended tech report
not the former - not smart enough to think of this.
Former tech report - proves company and all consultants
missed the valued mineral.
All those quick slick moves to add more pages to the Tech report.
Revised Tech report includes ( parent mineral ) umbrella.
How funny it is... that the minerals mentioned in the revision
included 5-6 Te minerals. ( tellurides )
Not one of the 5-6 mentioned my new mineral finding.
= hands down i found a new mineral they overlooked.
= pointless attempt to revise the Tech report.
= new content added doesn't support they knew of the mineral prior.
My mineral find is not mentioned with in the Te, ensemble.
Which means.... i definitely found it.
They 100% missed it.
The pdf file was a Gov doc file.
I don't think they had this extensive pdf file
showing 50 element assays.
The junior for past few tears only assayed for 5 ( minerals )
Never the mineral i found.
Which the Prez admitted in phone call - he never assayed for ( ** ).
If.... i call out the Prez on the bullboard...chances are the stock will be affected.
Due to my research findings. Don't... want that.
There should be a ( reachout ) inbetween party that investors
can contact that is not part of the system.
Investor whose lost firh in system.