Post by
RonaldCalm on Feb 05, 2017 12:26pm
Buyout Price
Just returning from the Vancouver Outlook conference. I spoke w Jeff Olin, the head of Vision Capital, regarding the Buyout price. Jeff's opinion is that the price is undervaluing the assets. More candidly he stated that the operator is taking a busload of cash and throwing the shareholders under the bus. I was not surprised at his position on the valuation , but was a little surprised by his opinion on the company's principal. As they always teach you in investment courses - you've got to know the management. In any event I would hope the majority of owners refuse the offer price. In this market there are very few places to hide. Why sell this refuge at a discount.
Comment by
junglejames on Feb 07, 2017 9:58am
go to their website and send them a note saying you will be voting no. The more noise the more they are likely to go back and ask for more (after all management will benefit directly too if the offering price is raised).
Comment by
maypeters on Feb 08, 2017 9:27am
the process definitely seems to be hurried and seems to be benefit the buyer more than the seller. There is no need to sell - we just paid a bunch to internalize and management got a bigger % due to the internalization - also dividend just increased from Jan and now they sell out such a well composed portfolio. Someome is definitely making a quick buck some way.
Comment by
snewguy on Feb 08, 2017 4:26pm
that someone is clearly management. internalization. and then you agree to a 53 million dollar breakup fee with that offer with analyst targets 22-24? a strong and growing US real estate market that is not over? Just my thoughts and considering Starwood is not a stranger to these guys. Its not a highly insulting bid, but there is no premium to future upside.
Comment by
snewguy on Feb 11, 2017 3:59am
to you guys disagreeing with my comments, who else would it be? and if you don't agree with me, than I guess you will vote yes, cuz you clearly don't think the bid is low.
Comment by
RonaldCalm on Feb 08, 2017 12:43pm
Good Point. I did just that, and encourage others that feel the price is inadequate do the same.
Comment by
TimeBuilder on Feb 08, 2017 2:28pm
FYI: We will be voting NO ...if and when we get the chance....Also we have told them so...not a large holder BUT believe the price is low balled for a reason that we do not know of....Will hang to the bitter end on this holding...GLTA patient holders, TimeBuilder