Post by
coventrykid on Oct 05, 2020 10:21am
MAPLE LEAF GREEN WORLD INC. RECEIVES CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD & AGRICULTURE APPROVAL TO SELL ITS CBG HEMP PRODUCTS. Maple Leaf Green World Inc. has been granted California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) approval for THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) testing. THC testing is mandated by the state of California to ensure the crop being harvested does not exceed the legal limit of 0.3% THC. A component of the pre-harvest THC testing involves random samples from any of the Company's five (5) greenhouses or outdoor grow to be taken by the agricultural commissioner for lab testing. A THC test result exceeding the 0.3% limit would result in an immediate implementation of a corrective action plan which would cause significant delays in harvesting. The Company is pleased to report that the CDFA lab report tested at less than 0.3% THC. With the CDFA approval, the Company can officially sell its La Creme Hemp Products. Harvest Update The company is continuing to harvest and cure its La Creme. The COA sampling collected on Oct 2, 2020 still indicates a pure CBG flower with the CBG concentration increasing to 15.44% from the previous COA at 13.90%. Although this level of CBG is marketable and higher than most strains on the market, the Company will continue to target the 18-20% range on a fully cured flower
Comment by
Grizzlyadams1 on Oct 05, 2020 11:50am
More garbage it's not worth a nickel
Comment by
Grizzlyadams1 on Oct 05, 2020 2:45pm
What major spike ?????? In your dreams this stock will never hit 30 cents might not ever hit 15 cents again