Post by
Troy23 on Aug 25, 2020 4:36pm
39 millions. Revenues decreased. Ouch
Was not expecting that. I guess I'll average down, again. Long term vision here
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litewate1 on Aug 25, 2020 4:40pm
Ya, I was dissapointed as well. Not sure how the lead MSO's post 15 - 25% gains in revenue and TILT that is supposed to benefit from additional sales actually decreases in the Jupiter division. If there is a silver lining, they maintained a positive EBITDA, added a couple of million to the bank account and increased operating cash flow. Will prob see a sell off tomorrow, is my guess.
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john565 on Aug 25, 2020 4:55pm
Don't know what everyone is complaining about. Beat estimates. Great cash flow, EBITDA and guidance! They beat estimates and it's Covid. That's a win!
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TradeMaxx on Aug 25, 2020 5:12pm is a win. All positive metrics..yes lower rev than hoped but beat estimates. A third Qtr with positive EBITDA will set the stage for a substantial SP increase. SP will remain flat in the interim. 2021, as expected will reward longs.