Post by
DeanEdmonton on May 14, 2022 12:08pm
Recent Low this week below $15
Guys keep trying to buy this as a value and re-opening play, without studying the reason the share price is so depressed. Not a buy till it gets below 10 bucks, or finds a way to pay down a ton of debt. Even without debt pressures, the margins are getting hammered from higher wages, fuel, food and all other costs, with no ability to increase cruise prices. They also have a huge backlog of cancelled cruises to deal with, for which they have already been paid.
Comment by
murrpac on May 26, 2022 8:46pm
Agree with everything Dean. Wish I listened to my gut and sold before interest rate annoucement. Bought as a long term value play but things have changed. May average down if things improve but will most likely ride this out and hope my initial outlook hold true in the long run.