Hey Triken, Pretty sure my questions in post(s) address what
i'm trying to convey. If i've taken the time to research, perhaps
another could ask these questions..?
Thanks... ( i have a flip phone wouldn't get through - lol )
I tried calling other juniors - flip phone can't process # prompts.
If i could add 2 more talking points ? It would be these.
#12 ( Gov't + Stakeholders ) Highly recommend investors read this pdf.
Resources will hold power.
Enviro cards
Countries wealth will be based on, resources.
Govt's may intervene to control resources by 2030 - uncertain. https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/dotcom/client_service/metals%20and%20mining/pdfs/mining_metals_scenarios.ashx #13 ( First Nations ) Investors should read up on
FPX's MOU with First Nations.
https://ceo.ca/fpx Radio Snippet https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-109-daybreak-north/clip/16013880-tlazten-nation-terminates-mining-mou
Timmins Mining - MOU - with First Nations Partnering First Nations will receive 45 per cent of government revenues from forestry stumpage,
40 per cent of the annual mining tax and royalties from active mines, and
45 per cent from future mines in the areas covered by the agreements.
These organizations will administer the funds, which can be plugged into economic development, education, health, community and cultural projects.
https://www.northernontariobusiness.com/drift-2020-/sharing-the-mineral-wealth-2127723 How do i read the future ? Gov't + Stakeholders = hoarding resources
First Nations = Partners
No guaranteed free markets by, 2023
= What about common shareholders...? Now attach my
11 other talking points. Hey.... i like the Wellgreen.
Superb project.
Potential just not being realized.