Post by
slewfoot2 on Jun 10, 2024 5:47pm
thyme 4 ol Slew
2 explain things... first what wasnt said... the problems with the mine , ie no mention of water geotech issues , production issues, ect... like wear has money gone.... so safe 2 assume that it is knot good... bcause wht else would pala, merc, and kfc not privide a bridge losn 2 get to nameplate...
1. ncu common shares will knot reopen for trading, prolly be listed on pink paper in otc market.... commons will get prolly 1% on the dollar.... congrats 2 the bagholders...
2.... ug mine is likely a rite off...
3... open pit and ug infrastructure are the assest that will be fot over....
dip loan is first priority so will get pick of the assests, then the kfw guys .... then pala....
seams pala gave up .... and prolly ritefullee so.... 4 ceo, hundres of million invested,ect.ect.... water and week geo still exist....
hate 2 say eye told u so.... well actually eye love it.... eye told u so.... lucklea as u r all well aware, ag is meye main focus....
now 2 the bagholders...
knot 2 worry, eye m sure this is a good thing cause now we have 60 mill to get 2 nsmeplate, 20 bags by september