rdgeo44 you were right. Even though NervGen's primary focus was on the regeneration of damaged spinal cord neurons, its drug, NVG-291, also induces the repair of the scar tissue that envelopes the neurons whose myelin sheath has been attacked in MS. Thus, reversing the effects of MS.
The myelin sheath is a protective layer that is wrapped around the nerves (neurons) in the central nervous system. It is similar to the protective insulation around electrical wires. In the densely packed nerves of the brain, it prevents them from, what would be bare nerves, pressing against each other and interfering with the transmission of their nerve impulses. The myelin sheath smooths out the nerves impulses and actually speeds them up.
When a person's immunes system attacks their myelin sheaths, it causes scarring of the myelin sheaths. A scarred myelin sheath no longer works as a protective layer and the nerve's electrical impulse becomes erratic and eventually stops altogether. As the nerve's protective layer breaks down, the immune system attacks the unprotected nerve, leading to nerve's death.
NervGen's drug can reverse the scarring of the myelin sheath, and also repair the damage to the nerve itself. A maintenace dose of the drug would be required to offer continued protection of the person's myelin sheaths.
NervGen has initiated patient trials related to spial cord injury. If the trials are positive, it will also initiate trials of its drug on Alzheimer's patients and multiple sclerosis patients.
It has taken years to reach this point, but once trials take place, if they show promise, especially in urgent medical conditions for which there is no cure available, such as in spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, the FDA will fast tract their approval.
Large institutions have shown interest in initiating positions in acquiring (buying) the company's stock, but according to their bylaws they cannot buy low priced shares (usually shares under $5), as well as shares of a company that is not well established.
This all changes if the FDA fast tracts a company. Then they CAN invest in such a company. When that happens, LOOK OUT ABOVE! As major companies pile into a stock, its price can go ballistic.
It will probably be some time before this happens. We have to get through the patient trials, and the FDA's evaluation of the drug's effectiveness, BUT, BUT ... if the trials already show that the drug is effective, then hold on to your hats, we are off to the races.