Post by
Bismuth08 on Nov 11, 2019 2:53pm
Le lithium energie de l'avenir !
Le petrole et l agriculture de masse doivent finir pour sauve la terre. ..sinon regardez a quoi notre civilisation ressemblera d'ici 50 ans ! C'est pourquoi l electrification des transports est la solution.
Nous n'avons aucune animosite envers l'Alberta...c'est une question de vision d'avenir !
Comment by
Calgary_AB on Nov 11, 2019 4:52pm
anyone care to answer questions below?
Comment by
ewaltz22 on Nov 11, 2019 4:59pm
I do! youre gonna make them invest in gold because you told them so! go f.uck yourself you sad little troll
Comment by
Calgary_AB on Nov 11, 2019 11:37pm
Li will never replace oil...LI battery it's a nice add on for time beeing... New technologies will wipe it out while oil will still be needed for survival of humanity...
Comment by
joeman on Nov 12, 2019 2:32am
Lithium is the lightest metal, has an upside but yes still early in the market, electric cars more and more popular but still a long way to go yet. Competition, if shale oil is profitable, Lithium will be profitable.
Comment by
Calgary_AB on Nov 12, 2019 3:22am
Li will have a profit as well...Albermale and the other big boys...but NMX is close to done...Guy has enough money to buy a nice place in central america...
Comment by
ewaltz22 on Nov 12, 2019 5:29am
clearly we don't get along and you have wayyy too much time on your hands so go believe what you believe and I'll do the same. go to sleep calgary
Comment by
Calgary_AB on Nov 11, 2019 5:19pm
Bismo, please answer questions below starting with posting the problem you see and finding the solution....