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JohnnyAppleweed on Mar 22, 2018 3:40pm
It appears to be more like an American "Filibuster", yawwwwwwwwwwn.
no wonder some of them play video games on their phones.
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VeritasVern on Mar 22, 2018 3:49pm
Any buyers factor in the risk of buying if its a no? If is is no then it should be a good buy opportunity as all mj stocks take it in the rear. New legislation will have to be drafted which could take time plus the time to get it to the senate again. My guess is legalization on Dec 25th so we can all get stoned for
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JohnnyAppleweed on Mar 22, 2018 3:57pm
Yep. Will give a new definition to "pound cake". "After x-mas dinner we have a dessert specially made called "pound cake" then some tootsie rolls, m&ms and then we end off by going into the living room and PHILOSOFRY about our lives and the existence of Santa Claus. GLTA