Post by
tony1969 on Jan 26, 2013 11:10am
OLE feasibility study and NPV.....
Hey arlene. First of all I am not pessimistic on OLE I am just realistic by using what I believe to be logical thinking. I will give you two examples showing you why feasibility studies can and frequently are non events. Alderon Iron Ore just came out with a FS that yielded a value of $3.24 billion with a B. Their market cap as of yesterday was $229 million. I realize it is iron and not gold but the NPV is there. The other is Sundridge Gold. They came out with a pre feas study last May with a vallue of $555 million. Their market cap yesterday was $43 million. What I am trying to say is thet the project is worth what a bidder is willing to pay and not necessarily what a FS yields in the NPV. OLE can easily show a $700 million NPV if they use a high enough price for gold. I believe $1400 can get them to that figure.
Comment by
Capharnaum on Jan 26, 2013 11:55am
OLE feasibility study will not be a non-event for two reasons: 1- Grandich will talk about it, which should bring more investor eyes into the stock. 2- The feasibility study should accelerate buyout talks, which aren't present for all other mining corp.
Comment by
tony1969 on Jan 26, 2013 12:04pm
I agree with your point cap as they will have absolutely nothing else to prove. I just think that you will get a small pop, some selling then we get the final move when a deal is made.>