Post by
Quentin30 on Nov 07, 2023 4:31pm
History Repeats
For those who like charts, there are certain months when ONCY pps rises significantly, usually in expectation of great data/announcements around the time of a particular conference.
Why do I expect the price to stagenate or fall back to $1.10-$1.25 lows again by early next year..? Well why did ONCY do a financing so cheaply compared to the highs of 2023... probably because management was well aware there would be no other real inflection points to keep the price rising. They have sold stock into highs for as long as I've been invested. If Matt thought there was truly earth shattering news to announce, he would have held off on the financing... so I conclude that for the next 3-5 months, this is dead in the water...
I would also expect (hope) another decent run in late April/May, before the announcement of start of Phase III. Wouldn't it be nice for the pps to get above $3 and keep going for once.
Although why ONCY cannot start the Phase III with the combo they told us about in June already is beyond me. They shuld have amended the study protocol by now, and had that agreed by FDA/ ethics committees.
Also, IND213 confirmed statistically, that the Pela Triplet is better than Pax alone. So they won't be running a phase III with a CPI anymore for that indication... I do not believe they are waiting for Bracelet-1 to mature (that was the argument for the failed Phase III head and neck trial, and look where that ended up ). Pure speculation on my part, but I think ONCY will pull a fast one, and trash the mBC Phase III trial, and focus on two shots at goal with different combos for Panc.
Whilst these clowns have been stating they are advancing towards a registrational study for 6 years straight (overtaken by the occasional snail), I think the panc trial probabcly could be ONCY's saviour. By mid 2025, it will finally be clear if this works or not... Whatever the pumpers claim, this is STILL a risky investment.
any thoughts ?
Comment by
venture009 on Nov 07, 2023 5:45pm
It's hard to argue your points. They all seem logical. The financing really did raise some red flags and the fact they spent 5 years trying to prove their own trial is disgusting. About the only thing that my prove to be opposite would be if FDA grants an AA. Big if I know.
Comment by
CaseyL on Nov 07, 2023 5:52pm
Last conference call sucked. They never had trouble talking about timelines, nevertheless not achieving them. But to not reflect on the obvious has me infuriated.
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 08, 2023 8:26am
Should we all sell Quentin? Is it all over for us?
Comment by
Quentin30 on Nov 08, 2023 3:13pm
I would gladly see ONCY go bust and know that you were holding on like a lemon all the way down Azzak. In fact that makes me all giddy. I didn't epect a keyboard warrior like you to accept my challenge... ONCY or CRPR - buy today to see who makes the most by 31-Dec... Now get off the sole of my boot would ya.
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 08, 2023 3:32pm
Haha but you'd lose out too, you're a major shareholder!! I'd be delighted to take you up on that challenge. Bahahaha let's do a zoom call and I'll record it so all the folks on here can laugh at you shrivel up like the little worm you are.
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 08, 2023 4:40pm
Haha don't get upset sweetie it's all just online chat, no need to get emotional. I think you'd back up off your tough guy talk and maybe be a little more pleasant. Should we get t-shirts and see if we can maybe televise it for Wallstreet bets too? Just on the % change from today idiot, doesn't have to be complicated.
Comment by
Quentin30 on Nov 09, 2023 9:16am
LOL... not upset 'sweetie'... I see ONCY has zero Phase III's in scope now... what's the positive spin on this... Everyone who digs into ONCY's data seems to back off... now let's see how Crispr does today shall we...?
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 09, 2023 9:22am
Aww you were all upset last night babe? How'd you sleep? Teary eyed... You guys were only down 7% yesterday so hopefully turn around for you today?
Comment by
13X2413 on Nov 09, 2023 9:38am
You might want to take this back.
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 09, 2023 9:52am
Nope, watch the comeback this afternoon. We can revisit this.
Comment by
13X2413 on Nov 09, 2023 9:56am
Azzack/Noteable-I hope you're right. I know you'll probably toss some type of insult at me, but what is positive about anything that came out today?
Comment by
fasttrack5 on Nov 09, 2023 10:04am
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 09, 2023 10:05am
We cured a person with Anal cancer and tripled the OR rate from the SOC in the indication. More proof Pela is going to be the SOC in multiple indications. That's pretty good.
Comment by
venture009 on Nov 09, 2023 10:03am
Azzak, what type of announcement are you expecting? We are now trending toward the NASDQ $1 requirement and we all need to be concerned. There seems to be no support for the price. As pointed out here, there have been so many screw ups by this management that there is very little chance that investors want to take a risk with these guys anymore.
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 09, 2023 10:08am
Then sell up and move on. No vitriol from me, just take your loss and put it down to experience. You have to do what you think is right for you. Read the press release of the Goblet results, then look at all the other recent results and tell me this company doesn't have the goods with Pela.
Comment by
13X2413 on Nov 09, 2023 10:32am
Like I mentioned earlier, there's nothing positive in this latest blurb by the company. One only has to look at the market reaction today. Just another effort by management to stretch timelines in an effort to prop this company up.
Comment by
Azzak34 on Nov 09, 2023 10:38am
Then you're a liar or an idiot. Did you not see the Goblet results? Even that clown Quentin is starting realize what's coming.
Comment by
jh1970 on Nov 09, 2023 10:32am
Looks like a company has a goods, BUT market doesn't belive in chance that this managment is able to cross finish line. Enough is enough.
Comment by
venture009 on Nov 08, 2023 8:36am
The patient trial size has always been a concern of mine. Not sure what the thinking was having a statistically insignificant number. Why not insist that the trial no. be at least 50.
Comment by
13X2413 on Nov 08, 2023 9:05am
Because it would be a better indication of the effectiveness of the treatment and they are worried about that. They can dance around smaller numbers. Their dance moves are getting tiresome, hence, the never ending drop in share price.
Comment by
13X2413 on Nov 08, 2023 7:07pm
Damn! I hate it when you post because it explains so much and makes so much sense as to why this has been going straight into the dumper. Thanks, I think. :)
Comment by
JohnnyYeg on Nov 08, 2023 9:50pm
So JTC - what exactly ARE your credentials to be calling out the scientists involved in a biotech development company??