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OPKO Health Inc OPK

OPKO Health, Inc. is a multinational biopharmaceutical and diagnostics company. The Company focuses on leveraging its discovery, development, and commercialization expertise and novel and proprietary technologies. Its segments include pharmaceutical and diagnostics. The pharmaceutical segment consists of its pharmaceutical operations in Chile, Mexico, Ireland, Israel and Spain, Rayaldee product sales and its pharmaceutical research and development. The diagnostics segment primarily consists of point-of-care operations. Its pharmaceutical business features Rayaldee, a United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved treatment for secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in adults with stage three or four chronic kidney disease (CKD) and vitamin D insufficiency, and Somatrogon (hGH-CTP), a once-weekly human growth hormone injection. Its NGENLA (somatrogon-ghla), is a once-weekly, human growth hormone analog indicated for treatment of pediatric patients aged three years and older.

NDAQ:OPK - Post by User

Post by Irene89on Apr 13, 2023 3:38am
Post# 35392176

Kevin Harrington Discusses FSD Pharma

Kevin Harrington Discusses FSD Pharma

I believe this new product will aid society in reducing the number of alcohol-related accidents and deaths linked to drunk driving. 
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