Post by
Kidlapik on Apr 01, 2015 4:10pm
Rights Offerring till now
So many of us subscribed to the rights offering, then exercised our warrants, and also picked up shares below 0.21. As it stands right now there are over 3-million warrants at 0.5, stands to reason their must be a lot more then that out there that will not be exercised.
With that happening anyone who fully subscribed to the rights offering and fully exercised their warrants actually increased their % ownership in the company. Especially if you had the means and the guts to buy in when the price sunk into the low teens.
Comment by
ekim on Apr 01, 2015 4:16pm
My theory is that the arbitragers are taking their sweet time because they can... or the arbitragers have been told to cool it and not proceed. The 2nd would mean Eric and Tom's funding trip is coming to fruition and are not as focused on getting all the public type warrants exercised. LONG...PGD EKIM
Comment by
mill44 on Apr 01, 2015 4:16pm
Since the warrants trade up until noon the last day, I would assume that it is possible for certain people to buy at the last minute and exercise before 5PM. That's why I will only believe that the price actually crossed the 21c if I see it on Tuesday. Don't bid over 21c even if you are crazy interested in this. See what happens on Tuesday.