Post by
Shopperator on Jun 03, 2015 3:35pm
Very Interesting
Spence Diamonds(former 4 yr employee) sold to Lion investments and IVEST. Lion has done some crazy big names.
Anyhow, the interesting part is they are taking a Canadian Company that dealt in all diamonds, to a Canadian Diamond store around the world!!!
Spence has a super tight buisness model and has been in business almost 40 years.
Obiously, this change will take time but.......
They paid 125 million for 10 stores and the business, yet the spence owner is still co running the company.
C'est Bien :)
Comment by
ekim on Jun 03, 2015 3:41pm
I've heard the commercials on the radio recently. "I own the company" which I respond to no one at all..."not anymore." EKIM
Comment by
Shopperator on Jun 03, 2015 3:58pm
Lol He Just topped out in the last few years. We were expanding, then not. They carry Cushion cut diamonds because of me :) I find diamonds amazing and I guess it shows.