Post by
10moving100 on Nov 19, 2015 11:01am
premature conclusion
I now believe that mgt. has insight into the bulk sample, results are not in line with expectations, chidilak is currently to small and remote to be economic, focus is turning to Botswana, and they will have the funds to advance Botswana at the expense of share holders that supported Chidilak.
Lac de Gras to Baffin Island to Botwasana = ?, evolution?
Markets are not that diffrent from a game of poker, odds favor the house/insiders.
I'll get back in at 10c and hold for the next round of hype...
All the best, and only invest with disposable income!
Comment by
Kodiboy on Nov 19, 2015 11:47am
Mill, how do you know there is no need for money in Feb?
Comment by
mrrbc on Nov 19, 2015 12:27pm
Mill, are you out? Or are you hanging on? I'm in. I'll subscribe at least half of my allotment. Let's see the results through'll tell us enough about what the PEA is going to look like. Hey, I'm not deliriously happy...but this is the game.
Comment by
Kodiboy on Nov 19, 2015 12:30pm
mrrbc, maybe he will answer you...
Comment by
mill44 on Nov 19, 2015 12:40pm
Out of what, Mr? What's left to sell? I have been here for the last 2 financings. With my luck, every time there is something to undermine my better judgement.
Comment by
Kodiboy on Nov 19, 2015 12:28pm
Mill, again, how are you so smart now and not before when you SAID you were long, or did you EVER, say you were long? Are you?
Comment by
Kodiboy on Nov 19, 2015 12:57pm
Holy cr&p batman? Mill so smart yet so poor. What about all those .21 PP shares snapped up, are they not immediately destroyed by the same people who snapped them all up and saved this company? What are they thinking?
Comment by
ekim on Nov 19, 2015 12:40pm
Depends on if they want to trench CH-44 in the feb/mar/april timeframe. IMO, they didn't have enough $$'s to complete that with the end of January timing of financing...they probably do. Trenching is a lot cheaper then the RC drilling...I just don't know how much cheaper. LONG...PGD EKIM