Post by
cudjo on Dec 07, 2015 5:55pm
shoes keep dropping
Keep, now Clements, 10 cent financing down from 21 cents only a few months ago, management 'expected' to participate from "will fully participate" (I personally think Robert has told his brother enough is enough, you need to start cutting costs and start saying some prayers), now management is saying will focus only on Chidlaik and Botswana, what happened to that really valuable binder(s) with all that glorious info that BHP gave to them? DO27? Natives are getting restless. Ekim actually posted his first negative comment ever about the company today. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, guess what, its a duck! 14 cents today, 30 million shares just waiting to unload on news. Do I really HAVE to say it again? BSotTSX
Comment by
ekim on Dec 08, 2015 1:01pm
Hi Moochee, There are so many companies out there. I personally have dumped some coin into U (uranium participation unit) and will hold that for the long term. PNE is a good gas play with good management. If you want to get a few picks to research, go check out They are always chatting about mining stocks..the good and the bad. LONG...PGD EKIM