Post by
MrBigger on May 07, 2016 1:31pm
9 years for SWY from PEA
to production. PGD should have skipped the PEA and gone direct to FS if they are as confident as you guys. PEA's have a reputation (deserved or not) of giving junior resource management what they want to hear. Do real mining companies ie BHP/Rio, etc. even bother with PEA's??
My other point is that millions of extra carats will hit the market next year. Any major may sit and sit and wait for PGD to sink and dilute. Where would the share price be without oiltar buying 10's of millions of shares the past 4 weeks??
Comment by
Kodiboy on May 07, 2016 3:37pm
Gee Mill, good advice as mine are indeed in a retirement fund...great call! My kids will get free tuition from SFU, so the education side is covered, except for text books, which by then will not be in hard cover form anymore, me thinks...on line.
Comment by
mill44 on May 07, 2016 3:15pm
About skipping the PEA, it really depends on their intentions. What it they are looking for the cheapest and most effective way of advertising what they have for sale?