Post by
cudjo on May 18, 2016 9:23am
The children
Are feeling much better now, stronger, a good brag, trash a few posters and a frothing on an anonomous board does wonders for small minds. Group hugs all around, my darlings, we can always count on your posts to add value to the discussions, your maturity level is staggering, you have cut me and mil to the core, like you, I am here for friendship. Please, grow up and move out of your mothers basements.
Comment by
Kodiboy on May 18, 2016 11:56am
Correction to my post, should have taken the bet Cudj when you had a said papa gets a new car and a bit off the mortgage ...but bet still on! Cmon, you want to prove me wrong don't you? You believe in stating only the facts, correct?