Post by
Oilwiz0007 on Aug 07, 2014 12:47pm
Share holders ripped off again
The major problem of poor management is still not fixed. Watch the same management group repeat the over spending without added oil revenue. First item is to get rid of Kevin Gibson and Glenn Taylor who have next to minimal heavy oil experience. No reservoir management team will equal no success. Major production declines ahead and operations still use propane for high fuel costs. If oil prices drops this company will owned by the banks. To Jenny: Hopefully your job at PXL pays you to write those ridiculous statements.
What a joke!!!
Comment by
8675309Jenny on Aug 07, 2014 12:55pm
if you think the old management is running the show, you are dreaming. lots of buyers for your shares, put the up for sale and move on. living in the land of bitterness is a very bad idea. paliser is dead, this is the Swedish show now.
Comment by
8675309Jenny on Aug 07, 2014 1:04pm
by the way, you realize that there will be no bank debt, so the ole bank debt scare will not work. practice reading the press release, maybe a little research. please phone Canaccord and ask them why they have bought close to 2m shares, against you advice?
Comment by
testy1 on Aug 07, 2014 4:37pm
I intend to vote against this. I doubt they have the votes if the small share holders don't support it. Their best hope is most share holders won't vote at all.
Comment by
testy1 on Aug 07, 2014 6:47pm
Roscoe, you like the deal, then vote for it. I won't be voting for it. Your speculations about the credit review are laughable. Without any direct knowledge you're breaking wind and want the share holders to suck it up.