Post by
jonggua on Oct 23, 2011 8:19pm
questions from dlkm 10q
(ii). The Company has not yet received the $450,000 subsequent option payment (iii) as of October 21, 2011 which is overdue and the agreement is in default. The Company is currently investigating through local counsel the registration particulars of prospecting licenses numbered 5664/2009 and 5669/2009, which form a part of the current Joint Venture Company project. This investigation relates to the reported registration of prospecting licenses numbered 5664/2009 and 5669/2009 to a third party without the Company's approval, in unclear circumstances why hasn't rbyc paid the next payment due 6/11? what is going on with 2 prospecting licenses being registered to another party? i remember dlkm lost much of their former properties when they were just sold and resold endlessly to others, resulting in no actual holdings for dlkm. however, I seem to recall rbyc saying they had the most secure holdings, registered with the TZ govt.