Hi Gang- patiently just laying in the weeds here but thought I'd chime in today to let you know I'm still alive and well.
Our filing didn't hit today- or not yet anyway, so I suppose we could see it before the end of the day. If it is not filed today, I will interpret that as that Ruby has a positive reason for further delaying it. (keeping the faith always!)
Anyone wondering if our management is at-issue only need look at their bios; David Bukzin is SEC-savvy, Dan Bartley- CPA, and Darrin Ofsink is an attorney. And our friend Toby handling the Investor relations. To add, David remains one of the largest shareholders.
Despite our delays and disappointing current share price, I remain comforted by this leadership lineup, lest I'd not be invested here in the first place. Market forces have not helped us any either. Hopeful that will turn around as does RBYC along with it.