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8saturday8 on Feb 08, 2013 9:11am
It truly amazes me what is going on here. I thought you guys would come in at closing to buy 2 or 300 shares to pump the price back up to 18. Heck lets make it .30 or .50. Then we can go in for financing at .25 with a full warrant. You do this 1 to three times a day. What can you tell investors that you are trying to sell to. Well we have specks in a pan that if you put under a microscope you can see how big they are. We can show you a picture of a gold bar with Ruby name on it. Even though we produced less than 40 ounces in all the time we were mining. We can show you a picture of a helicopter that we have been riding around in. We do not believe in assays or drill holes to come up with a resource. We don't put out our 10-k reports on time . We are way beyond our time limit on that. Any other company would have had a stop trade order on it a long time ago. Everyone is talking about Ruby winning their lawsuit and getting a lot of moolah. Well what if HNDI wins? HNDI will loose anyway because Ruby has practically nothing left.. Ruby is another pump and dump job to get financing. The company has a very big problem and it is all VERY VERY BAD MANAGEMENT. I would like to know where so much money disappeared to. It could not have went into assays or drilling and they did very little mining. My blog and Cadillac sams blog will probably disappear just like jongguas did.
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Yukon_Cornelius on Feb 08, 2013 10:30am
Saturday- You know the old adage about glass houses and throwing stones? Perhaps the HNDI ails aren't enough for you to deal with and you feel the need to vent here about Ruby? Whatever works for you. I still hope BOTH companies can pull out of their respective death-spirals to the aid of all the shareholders that bought on the promise. Good luck!