Post by
Wangotango67 on Dec 24, 2021 9:47am
Yeah... it's a helluva read - 927 pages.
.Lots of other intel to gain a better understanding of what RLG really has.
Take for instance - beginning at page 53 - outlines gold grams ( to 1 gram )
Yet... there is a significant number of intercepts over 1 gram - why focus on this ?
Anything above the 1 gram is ( in my opinion ) minable.
RLG - has used a cut off of 3/ g per tonne.
If one factors in all intercepts - 1 gram and above - the resource size grows exponentially.
in terms of - selling the gold ounces - every 100,000 oz of gold for the purchaser and based on 2200 spot cdn gold - factoring in 1200 cost t omine leaves the purchaser with $1,000/ cdn
Using a cut off of 3 grams might be a tad extreme when every ounce of gold from a 1 gram to 3 grams could be factored in.
Supposing a purchaser buys each ounce of gold ( wholesale for ) $250
leaves the purchaser with a %750 profit margin.
While on the flip side- every 100,000 oz of gold for the seller - results in,
$25,000,000 cdn
I haven't has time ot read the full 927 pages - but i will ovder the holidays sift throught it.
Thus far... i have come across some interesting details pertaining to the geology in which the gold is found - appears the geology is - clastic sediment - now factor in the surrounding lakes - the gut wih raised elevations around the Rowan - i'm thinking replacement depoist - mass water erosion tearing apert the surrounding risdgelines redepositing the gold into a matrix of clay sediments - aside of the main vein - throw in lots of breccia - which mixes in with the clastic's clays - throw in lower elevations in a gut - can't help but think Rowan is a former lake bed that wraps around int othe NT zones meeting an eastern resistence point - porphry hill which guided the clatic sediments to move southerly - gold settled out in the low lying basin - boomerang pattern - wrapping southerly - creating the NT zone. A theory, yes, just a theory.
Place a major fault line at Rowan mine - thus, two formations of gold occur - Fault vein - and breccia created by the fault and watershed creating clasitc clays that redepoist the gold along strike ot the east and later, southerly. Hence the cores are laced with - breccia + clays.
my first poke at - Rowan....
As stated, i'll continue this in a few days, after the Holidays....
Clastic Sedimnents are known for - zinc + copper.
But... i need ot read more on the Red Lake area - aside of the South Bay Mine.
Sadly, most juniors in the Red Lake areas - over the years - never included the copper or zinc values - making it rather hard ot know for certain if other juniors have additional mineral credits to endorse open pitting.
One last note - on page 27 - one of the holes encountered 25% pyrite.
It's findings such as this thart needs to be more explored.
As most know - gold can harbor in pyrite so can copper and zinc is usally not far away.
25% pyrite with no follow up on the kind if pyrite - why point this out ?
All because chalocpyrite is found on RLG's claims.