Onedaylate you seem to think that accuracy on the bonus royalty percentage is deceptive or misleading. You have at least corrected your calculation of the percentage recovery on the Chiapas block, after your original number was out by 38.55%. But you are completely ignoring the Ponton block percentage and this block was obtained as a result of the bid at the first auction. And you are correct, there was no production, that is why the bid was lower.
In any event I will continue to offer my thoughts and endeavour to be as accurate as possible. For me, I am a guy who always sees the glass as half full and am thankful to the person who gave it to me for free. Some people always see the glass as half empty and complain about it to the person who gave it to them for free. The three Chiapas blocks were a free gift that keeps on giving.
Just for accuracy, there is only 279.1 million shares outstanding, not north of 400 million as you stated.
I get a certain amount of confidence when an outsider, like Maliki, who knows the oil business and the challenge of being a start up in the oil business, sees ROI at this point in time, as an opportunity good enough to buy more than 10% of the outstanding shares of the company.