Post by
360 on Jun 28, 2018 4:28pm
Lopez Obrador...
"He plans to review a major opening up of the oil industry to private capital in 2013-14" - CBC
get the hell out while you can this is going to zero
Comment by
biscuits11 on Jun 28, 2018 6:01pm
And when he does that review it’s more than likely he realizes that there will be no way for Pemex to be profitable and the country NEEDS foreign capital. I can’t say I’m not nervous, but I believe rational heads will prevail. Ian Telfer has a long history in the country, this is not his first rodeo with Mexican politics.
Comment by
crude on Jun 28, 2018 6:02pm
Or get a few more tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by
ferret_ca on Jun 28, 2018 8:12pm
here's a good article on what amlo will most likely do, he will need money from oil to do what he wants to do as mexico will most likely take a hit on a renegotiated nafta. oil is one of the 3 main sources of revenue for the mexican govt. definitely a risk but common sense should prevail imho cheers ferret
Comment by
ferret_ca on Jun 28, 2018 8:22pm
another article to chew on
Comment by
hydrocarbss on Jun 28, 2018 9:09pm
How about Not hedging crude oil sales a year in advance. News item from Oct 2017 "We have completed it and were assured that the hedge perfectly covers the price of a barrel that we included in the 2018 budget of $46 dollars," Rubio said.