Post by
Eaglesflyhigher on Jul 05, 2019 1:16am
Deeply concerned for future
In reading Mr Rays letter dated December 8th 2018 he stated:
1. He was in negotiations with creditors, both the employee and supplier of COV to do a debt for sharei issue to eliminate debt on books and move corporation forward.
2. That Robix had secured a contract for the C160 COV amounting to $35,000 per month starting August 2019. Contract was dismantled but could be reinitiated once Mr Ray was confirmed back as President.
3. That an employee was in place to work to update the technology of the assets acquired from FFM.
in reading the circular sent to us Shareholders on November 27th, 2018.
The Concerned Shareholders of Robix, namely Dale and Mark stated:
1. ‘Eliminating Messrs. Ray and MacNevin as directors will just be a first step - albeit a crucial one - to the restoring the Corporation to the position of a normally functioning enterprise.’
2. With the reconstitution of the Board as proposed at the meeting, we believe that the Corporation will be in a position to move forward with proper corporate governance and decision making by the Board and senior management that will be in the best interests of the Corporation and its shareholders.
3. Once the reconstituted Board dealt with Mr Ray’s court action it could move forward.
In a news release on February 1st, 2019 Robix’s new Board announced the changes as a result of the shareholders meeting and added at the end that:
”The Corporation will provide a further update to Shareholders on its operations following the initial strategy meeting.”
On April 2nd, 2019 Robix announced:
1. Robix attained a successful outcome in the previously disclosed court application brought by former CEO Mr Robin Ray.
2. Appointment of Mark Bentsen as CEO and Peter Teunissen as CFO.
So, as of April 2nd, 2019 we are to assume:
1.from statements made in earlier release that the current Board of Directors and executives hands are no longer tied. They are free to move Ribix forward.
2. that an initial strategy meeting has still not occurred since there has been no information provided to us Shareholders on current operations.
Wow, we’ve gone completely from:
1.a possible functioning contract bringing revenue in.
2. Credit resolved through share swap
3. Probably a listed Stock that could be traded
1. A delisted stock
2. A ‘we’ll inform you what’s happening when our hands are not tied’
Hard to believe.
What’s your plans Gentlemen your hands are not tied. You were voted in for the reasons of positive change and optimism.
Having a real hard time feeling this optimism.
Comment by
Closurefor1964 on Jul 10, 2019 6:31pm
This sure makes one wonder what this group has been up to. Its obvious they had an adgenda that did not work out, Losing a listing is really bad for all of us shareholders. Did they actually have a plan or what. Feel like we have all been lied too.